
Live ClassChats erwecken Berufe der Zukunft zum Leben

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Be there live!

Lass dich für zukünftige Karrierewege in einer zukunftsorientierten Branche durch interaktive Live-Vorträge begeistern. Die Class Chats werden von inspirierenden Expert*innen von Amazon begleitet. Erkunde verschiedenste Berufe – unter anderem aus der Technologiebranche – und finde heraus, welcher Berufsweg und Arbeitsalltag dahinterstecken.

Amazon Future Engineer Kahoot! Touren

Die virtuelle Tour durch ein Logistikzentrum zeigt, wie hinter den Kulissen Mitarbeiter:innen und Technologie zusammenarbeiten, um eine Amazon Bestellung abzuwickeln  

Die virtuelle Tour durch ein Rechenzentrum zeigt, wie hinter den Kulissen bei Amazon Web Services dafür gesorgt wird, dass Menschen jederzeit von überall streamen können und Daten nachhaltig gesichert werden.

Die Touren dauern ca. 45 Minuten und behandeln praxisnahe Informatik-Themen wie Cloud Computing, Algorithmen, Sensorik, Datenbanken, maschinelles Lernen und mehr. Weitere Informationen findet ihr hier.


Upcoming ClassChats

Das erwartet dich in den nächsten Wochen bei den Amazon Class Chats. Jeder Vortrag dauert ungefähr 45 Minuten mit Zeit für Fragen und Antworten. Schüler und Schülerinnen können sich individuell oder gemeinsam mit ihren Lehrkräften im Klassenverband registrieren.


Sofia Saraiva de Figueiredo

Trainee IT specialist for system integration

Before moving from Brazil to Germany, Sofia found it difficult to make the right career decision, so she tried out many different fields of study - digital media, film studies and Asian studies. But nothing was quite right. She is now in the third and final year of her training as an IT specialist for system integration at AWS. Here, she works with state-of-the-art technology every day and learns something new every day.


Julian Behnke

IT Project Engineer - Amazon Support Services

After training as an IT specialist, Julian completed a dual degree in business informatics. Today, he is not only an IT Project Engineer at Amazon, but also an IHK trainer for IT.


Alex King

Senior Solutions Architect

After training as an IT specialist for system integration, Alex started his career in IT at various companies. Today, he works at Amazon as a Solutions Architect and helps customers design scalable and cost-efficient solutions as a technical contact.

Register now for free

You can register for ClassChats individually as a pupil or as a teacher directly with an entire class.

Missed the live session? No problem!

Can't make it to all the ClassChats live? Then register here now for free and get access to the recordings of all lectures via the teech media library!


Learn more about Amazon Future Engineer

Here you will find all the important information you need to be ready for the ClassChats!


Materials for teachers

Amazon Future Engineer offers teachers free training courses and workshops to help students gain easier access to the many possibilities of computer science.

Not enough yet?

Still haven't had enough of the ClassChats with Amazon Future Engineer experts? No problem! Then take a look at our partner AppCamps and get inspired!


FAQ Questions and answers

Still have questions? No problem! We have compiled the most frequently asked questions here.

If that's not enough for you, you can easily book a meeting or a callback for assistance here.

Amazon Future Engineer is an initiative that facilitates access to computer science education for children and young people with the aim of offering them better personal opportunities for the future. No matter where they come from or who they are.

Register here for free for the ClassChats. You will then receive the access data from us by email and can easily take part via the teech digital classroom.

No! Participation in the ClassChats is completely free of charge.

In the ClassChats with Amazon Future Engineer, various professions and careers of exciting Amazon employees are presented. If you want to learn more about possible career paths in the tech industry, then you've come to the right place!

Yes, we are fully committed to security and the trustworthy handling of data: teech is developed in Germany and is 100 % GDPR-compliant. Our platform and all data are hosted in German data centers (e.g. by Hetzner). Network security, system security and data protection are part of our DNA and are a top priority for us and our reliable partners.

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