
School and then?
The Info Talk - your entry into the #teamlidl

teech Find out more about career opportunities at Lidl teech

Find out more about career opportunities at Lidl


Be there live!

Graduation in sight?
How about an apprenticeship, a high school diploma program or a dual study program at #teamlidl.

Wir laden dich herzlich ein, am 27.02.25 an unserem digitalen Schüler- und Elternevent teilzunehmen. Erfahre von unseren Ausbildern und Nachwuchskräften, welche spannenden Ausbildungsprogramme auf dich warten. Sie berichten über ihren Ausbildungsalltag, wie ihr Weg nach Schule ins #teamlidl aussah und was die Highlights sowie Herausforderungen in der Ausbildung, dem Abiturientenprogramm und Dualen Studium sind.

What can I do after school?

Diese Frage wird der Mittelpunkt unseres bevorstehenden Online-Info-Events sein. Die Moderation wird direkt aus dem Event-Studio unserer Zentrale  übernommen.

The topics on the agenda will be of particular interest to students who are about to graduate, as well as their parents and teachers. The program is as follows:

  • Welcome and #teamlidl introduction
  • Deep-Dive training programs
  • Trainee talk and Q&A
  • Application tips and tricks

Our trainers and junior staff will give detailed and practical reports on the fascinating training programs that await applicants after school and provide insights into their day-to-day work. They will share their experiences of what the path to #teamlidl looks like after school and give an insight into the highlights and challenges of their training. Students and parents will then have the opportunity to ask their questions.

Für das kommende Ausbildungsjahr 2026 bieten wir vielfältige und abwechslungsreiche Einstiegsmöglichkeiten mit sehr guten Weiterbildungschancen und Berufsperspektiven an.

Here you can find an overview of our training programs:



  • Salesperson (m/f/d)
  • Retail salesperson (m/f/d)
  • Warehouse Specialist (m/f/d)
  • Warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/d)
  • Office management assistant (m/f/d)

High school graduate programs:

  • Graduate program in sales
  • Graduate program in logistics

Dual study programs:

  • Dual study program in commerce (B. A.)
  • Dual study program Logistics (B. A.)
  • Dual study program Real Estate Management (B. A.)
  • And much more.

Your #teamlidl

Am 27. Februar um 13 Uhr findet das nächste digitale Schüler-&Elternevent statt. Das Event wird ca. 1 Stunde dauern mit ausreichend Zeit für Fragen.

Register now for free

You can register for the events individually as a pupil or as a teacher directly with an entire class.


Missed the live session? No problem!

Can't make it to all the live events? Then register here now for free and get access to the recordings of all presentations via the teech media library!

Find out more about Lidl's events

In this video we show you some insights from a past event.

FAQ Questions and answers

Still have questions? No problem! We have compiled the most frequently asked questions here.

If that's not enough for you, you can easily book a meeting or a callback for assistance here.

At #teamlidl, it is important to us that young, motivated colleagues successfully make the leap into working life! Which profession? What type of training? The offers seem almost unlimited. This makes it all the more important for young career starters to obtain comprehensive information and follow their own interests. This can also mean throwing certain ideas overboard when choosing a career.

After all, it is no longer the case that there are typically female and typically male professions, for example, or that you have to go to university with a high school diploma instead of starting an apprenticeship. Parents can be a great help in the run-up to this.

Register here for free for the ClassChats. You will then receive the access data from us by email and can easily take part via the teech digital classroom.

No! Participation in the ClassChats is completely free of charge.

During the event, we will focus primarily on the various apprenticeships at Lidl and provide exciting insights for interested students and parents.

Yes, we are fully committed to security and the trustworthy handling of data: teech is developed in Germany and is 100 % GDPR-compliant. Our platform and all data are hosted in German data centers (e.g. by Hetzner). Network security, system security and data protection are part of our DNA and are a top priority for us and our reliable partners.

Note: For reasons of easier readability, we use the masculine form of address in the text. Naturally, people of all gender identities are welcome at Lidl.